Paleontology and Geology of Indiana focuses on the geological and evolutionary processes that have shaped our planet and life on it over the last 550 million years, the long, fossil-rich period known as the Phanerozoic. Using Indiana as the focus, you will learn about the evolutionary history of major groups of animals and plants, the origins of life on land, the growth of the North American continent, changes to the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, and the interactions among life, climate, sediments, and geological structures.
Module 1 - Indiana Today
Overview of Indiana's physiography and climate; Introduction to modern biomes; Anthropogenic changes to modern Indiana; Historical view of life and the Earth; Introduction to Earth systems.

Module 2 - The Lay of the Land
Terms associated with surface geology and geomorphology; Processes of weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition; Historical thinking about landforms; Surface geology of Indiana.

Module 3 - A Short History of North America
Introduction to Geological Time Scale; Structure of the Earth, formation of rocks and continents; Early history of the Earth; Continental history of the Phanerozoic; Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sea level through the Phanerozoic. [Geol Timescale Handout]

Module 4 - Where Do Indiana's Rocks Come From?
Sedimentary rocks - definitions and sources; Siliciclastic versus carbonate; Depositional environments; Types of siliciclastic rocks (clays, siltstones/shale, sandstones, conglomerates); Types of carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites); Rock types in Indiana; Denudation and erosion rates

Module 5 - Overview of Indiana Geology
Indiana's bedrock geological map; Cross-section of bedrock geology in Indiana Large and small scale geological maps; William Smith and the first geological map Stratigraphic column of Indiana; Stratigraphic terminology; David Dale Owen and geology of the Mississippi Basin; Overview of events represented in Indiana's rocks.

Module 6 - A Short History of Life and Metazoan Phyla
 Phylogeny and classification; Origin and early history of life; Metazoan radiation and phyla; Diversity and mass extinctions.

Module 7 - Ordovician: the Cincinnatian and the Richmondian Invasion
The Ordovician system in Indiana; Cambrian and Ordovician life; Taconic Orogeny and the formation of the Cincinnati Arch; Paleogeography of the Cincinnatian in Indiana; Facies; Cincinnati School of paleontology; Ordovician life; The Richmondian invasion and the end-Ordovician extinction.

Module 8 - Silurian and Devonian: Colonization of the Land
Climate and atmosphere in the Paleozoic; Silurian and Devonian rock units in Indiana; Events of the Silurian and Devonian; Paleogeography and major structural features, including Illinois and Michigan Basins; Stromatoporoid reefs; First land plants in Silurian; Falls of the Ohio State Park.

Module 9 - Mississippian: the Borden Delta
Late Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in Indiana; Borden group formations; Extinctions; Sea level changes, transgressions and regressions; Fluvial and deltaic depositional systems; Mississippi Delta; Borden Delta and Ontario River; Deltaic facies in the Borden Group.

Module 10 - Mississippian: Sun, Seas, and Reefs
Paleogeography and sea level changes in the later Mississippian; Sanders and Blue River group rocks; Geological map of Monroe and Brown counties; Salem Limestone depositional environments and fossils; Karst formation; Karst, caves, and lost rivers in Indiana.

Module 11 - Pennsylvanian: Plants and Climate
Pennsylvanian paleogeography and rock units; Terrestrial life in the Pennsylvanian; Early land plants, lepidodendron forests, Pennsylvanian biomes; Coal and its formation; Transgression, regression, and cyclothems; Carbon and oxygen cycles and the effects of plant burial on atmospheric composition; Cyclothems and an Ice Age in the Pennsylvanian.

Module 12 - Evolution, Phylogeny, and Taxonomy
Basic principles of phylogenetic trees; Terminology of phylogenetic trees and characters; Evidence for phylogeny; Evolution, descent with modification, and natural selection; Phylogeny reconstruction, traits, and parsimony; Metazoan phylogeny; Field gear.

Module 13 - Industry in Indiana: Stone, Coal, and Oil
Types of geological industry in Indiana; Stone industry; Hydrocarbons and formation of oil and gas; Trenton gas field and its history; Rise and fall of gas and oil resources.

Module 14 - Speciation, Extinction, Biostratigraphic Correlation
Basic concepts of speciation, first and last appearances, and biostratigraphic concepts.

Module 15 - What We Miss: Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Late Paleozoic; Assembly of Pangea; Permian-Triassic extinction and its causes; Mesozoic paleogeography and faunas; Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction and its causes; Cenozoic paleogeography and climates; Eocene forests.

Module 16 - Quaternary Environments and Glacial Cycles
Quaternary climate in Cenozoic context; Agassiz and discovery of past glaciations; Glacial cycles and relation to orbital cycles; Ice sheets, glacial / interglacial terminology, oxygen isotope stages; Glacial landforms; Methods for absolute age determination and radiocarbon; Glacial history and modern physiography; Distribution of soil types and Quaternary history; Glacial landforms in Indiana.

Module 17 - People Come to Indiana: Late Pleistocene Extinctions
Modern mammals and biomes; Quaternary mammals, biomes, and non-analogue faunas; Mammoths, mastodons, and pollen; Early human evolution and expansion into the New World; Late Pleistocene extinctions.

Module 18 - Back to the Present, and the Future
The pattern of glacial-interglacial cycles; Oxygen isotope proxies for climate; Regional differences in paleoenvironmental change; Late Quaternary extinction and the role of humans; Current changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature; Comparison with past; Certainties and uncertainties from a geological and paleontological perspective.

Handouts and Resources
Lab Exercises
Lab 1 - Topographic maps
Lab 3 - Bedrock geology
Lab 4 - Phyla
Lab 5 - Corals and bryozoans
Lab 6 - Brachiopods and trilobites
Lab 7 - Crinoids
Lab 8 - Plants and vertebrates
Field trips
Trip 1 - Tunnel Mill and Waldron Shale
Trip 2 - Monroe Lake and the Borden Group