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P. David Polly

Visiting Professor of Evolutionary Paleontology
Geosciences & Geography, University of Helsinki (2024-25)



Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University
with affiliated faculty appointments in Biology and Anthropology

1001 E. 10th Street

Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

Phone: +1-812-855-7994

Email: pdpolly@pollylab.org 

Website: www.pollylab.org 



P. David Polly is a Professor in and chair of the department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University (IU)  A vertebrate paleontologist, he studies the ecology and evolution of mammals and other vertebrates in the fossil record, including trait-based studies of community response to environmental change, geometric morphometric analysis of evolution and morphology, phylogenetics, spatial processes, community assembly, and speciation on regional and continental geographic scales.  

David is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and recently served as president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (2016-18), Director of the IU Center for Biological Research Collections (2013-2018), and Associate Director of the Environmental Resilience Institute at IU (2017-2018), and was an Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental Scholar at the Yale University Institute of Biospheric Studies (2018-19).